Animal Testing is any scientific experiment of test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. It was stated by the article, What is Animal Testing by Cruelty Free International, that these animals that are being tested are used in laboratories that are deliberately harming animals, which isn't for their own well being, and are usually killed due to the experiments. The kinds of animals that are being tested--mice, rats, rabbits, farm animals, birds, cats, dogs, monkeys, etc.--can sometimes not give reliable data for scientist, animal testing goes against animal rights and it caused them to have to go through pain and suffering. Animals who are being tested on for human advancement isn't considered morally right to many individuals, however animal testing has helped the human race to produce many antibiotics. Technology has advanced significantly over the years and there are methods to experiment without harming animals. As well as, the cost difference between animal testing and the alternatives is drastically different.